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Friday, July 26, 2019


Should I take pills, hug the transformer, or just pull the trigger?

Should I swim, sink or simply Disappear?


Should I use the Knife, rope, or just jump down from the high place? 

Everyone hates me, but I am human. 

You say you don't want to loose me but you don't care. 

I wake up each day to battle with the same taunting demons that left me crying the previous night.

I cry everyday to ease my pain yet there's no escape from this illness. 

Hear the blood that beats in my veins, hear my cry beyond the incantation of silenced rivers. 

I am calm on the outside yet I'm seriously paddling underneath just so I could float on the top like a duck. 

My mirror is my best friend because it never laughs when I cry. 

It's hard to try being someone that I'm not when at all I don't know who really I am.

Psychologically I'm disabled. Distorted. 

Emotionally drained. An empty street.

Spiritually stressed. Exhausted. 

Socially rejected. Despised. Isolated. 

But Physically I smile, tired of smiling. Fake smiles. 

I walk in shadows, Paradox of life. 

Those voices are in crescendo, I've Bowed to ancestors already,.

I've Connected with the dark realms, I've traced the horrible path.

 Deeper, Deeper and Deeper I sink each day. 

Someday I'll leave and never come back.

I pray for safe journey to my destination. It's too late to say sorry. 



These are the thoughts from a downhearted spirit, 

The feelings from A confused mind, 

The conclusion from A dying being.

He/She cries in the shower so no one could hear, 

Human waits for everyone to fall asleep so he can fall apart, 

Dark moments, Deep thoughts. 

The Tears flow quietly, gently and soft. 

But Hello Determined Soul,

Life is a game with snakes on every level,

You have endured and survived, you are strong,

I would hate to see you give up.

The moment you think of Giving up, 

Think of the reason you held on so long. 

You have the power to say

"This is not how my story will end "

Reality is a prison, Don't give up. 

Getting bad after you've been so happy is literally not good,

Bite back your thunder 

Don't let wild things show 

You're not the left over, 

You are not the "Why are you even here? "

You are just good enough. 

You are stronger than what you think. 

Life is unpredictable 

It changes with seasons

Spring is coming, 

And with it, Brand new leaves. 

Heal the past, 

Live the present, 

Dream the future. 

Dare to stay alive. 

N/B: Suicide is on the increase, it's coming closer than expected. It is not a fashion statement. God'll help us.

#Say_No_To_Suicide ❌





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