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Monday, May 20, 2019

MEEKNESS —​ How To Cultivate It!

Hello.... Welcome!!

Today We wanna deliberate on this rare gem quality calls MEEKNESS.

First and foremost, Meekness may be defined as a quality that helps a person wants to be gentle when dealing with others and to remain calm when provoked.

In order for an individual to cultivate meekness, He or She needs to posses these Four (4) superlative and appealing qualities such as HUMILITY, SUBMISSIVENESS, MILDNESS AND INNER STRENTH.
These Four (4) qualities produce the rare gem attribute — MEEKNESS.

Let's discuss them orderly.


This can be achieved If an individual is free from pride and arrogance. To be humble, a person has to be lowly in mind and ready to submit. This takes us to the second quality. 


 This always comes in terms of yielding or obeying superior authorities. A person can achieve submissiveness when he or she is in subjection to laws of those who are in higher ranks or positions than him and those below.


 This attribute is not a weakness rather it is essential for a person who has good sense. Mildness will never permit disputing or resisting.
Mildness is a strength.


This centers on the power you have to control your emotions. It's not always easy to have self-control but INNER STRENGTH is fully behind to support.

At times, We may posses all these yet there are likely to come challenges and how can we deal with them.


*When Given Or Handle Authority:- 

Imagine You as a boss, gives an order yet your worker refuses to follow, how will you react? This is a challenge to our MEEKNESS. 

It can be very difficult to display meekness especially when someone you oversee or lead treats you with disrespect or even question your judgement.

*When Persecuted:-

Facing persecution can really make it very difficult to remain meek especially if we are being accused or opposed for what we know nothing about.

*When Dealing With Stress:- 

Stressful predicaments can test our meekness. It can make us to over-react easily. This can make our words and tone to be harsh and cold.
Stress can make us get irritated over little stuffs that did not normally trouble us.

Despite all these vices, Is still possible to cultivate meekness?
Yes! At least for three (3) benefits.


*You Will Make Better Decision:-

Being meek can help you encounter easy choices in life.
You need to HUMBLY accept that others might in one way or the other superior to you and need to SUBMISSIVELY follow instructions and guidance.

*You Will Avoid Making Mistakes:-

Stress can really make you feel weak. So You need to check and maintain your meek attitude constantly in order to avoid making unforgettable mistakes in this life.

Even during under pressure, You have to strive to be meek because if you neglect your meekness for a moment, the result might likely be disastrous.

For instance, Think about what will happen if you find yourself over-reacting or screaming at your workers in the office! (Remember point three (3) MILDNESS)

*You Will Be Protected:- 

Those who are meek and can maintain their meekness always find favour and feel safe.
They avoid unnecessary problems. They do not have enormous regrets of past words and actions. They have peace of mind.

They are highly valued and respected, why? —​Because They possess the FOUR (4) prominent qualities that produce meekness —​ HUMILITY, MILDNESS, SUBMISSIVENESS AND INNER STRENGTH!!

Thursday, May 02, 2019

Check Out Ten (10) Circumstances People Face In Life - A MUST READ!!

Alot of people out there were born with silver spoon. Others are suffering from unjust treatments. Some claimed that they were predestined to pass through thorns and thistles.

Be assured that You are not alone in these mess.

May these Ten (10) pieces of words soothe you all our readers!!!

10.  Go to the hospitals. A patient is there chewing 10 cubes of sugar cos of lack of sugar in the Blood  while another is even battling with diabetes cos of too much sugar in the Blood.

9. A Patient is donating blood free of charge cos of excess blood in the cells while another is dying cos of no enough blood in the cell.

8. An employee is applying for and trying to secure  a job that someone else gets tired of and resigns.

7. Some are eating  3 to 4 times daily and even trashing the remains of the meal in the bin while many out there are  robbing hands to sip garri let alone to eat to their satisfaction.

6. The uneducated ones are out there grooving with wealth and getting connected while the Educated ones end up being hawkers and truck pushers in the streets.

5. There are couples who had been married for over 20 years without any miscarriage let alone of having a child while others are aborting the unborn babies and some abandoning them in the streets and gutters.

4. Fake lovers are always fortunate to meet a true and genuine lovers while True and Genuine Lovers are there suffering heartbreaks from fake lovers.

3.  There are marital pressures in some family because of having only female children in the family, praying to have at least one male child while others are having only male children in the family, praying to have at least one female child.

2. Out there, A Mother is running around the rooms with her child begging him or her to eat the food while  another mother, somewhere, somehow, is striving to get one square of meal for her child to eat.

1. Finally, An employee is being punished and sued to court out of innocence about the missing money or document in the company while the culprit is being promoted and fanned around the premises.

What are we to say?
Nothing is worth dying for!!

Everybody are running a life's race. The world is rotating.
Nobody actually comes to this world to suffer, but due to unforeseen state of affairs, We find ourselves in the aboved listed circumstances.

MoralGists Cares!!!


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